Free State Region meetings are held at the Glyndon United Methodist Church unless otherwise noted.
4713 Butler Road, Glyndon, Maryland
[dates & times listed on "Calendar of Events" page]
The Heartbeat of America is Chevrolet. And the Heartbeat of the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America (VCCA) is it's regional clubs. The Free State Region, VCCA is one of those regions. If you love classic cars, especially if you have a passion for the bow-tie, you will enjoy membership in this organization. Our region was started in 1974 - we just celebrated 50 years! - and now has 63 member households some of whom are from the original founding membership.
We offer a variety of activities for our members who enjoy getting together to show off their cars whether it's at local shows, swap meets or to take short tours to interesting attractions in our local area. With your membership you will receive our bi-monthly news letter "The Valve Tapper" which contains all information about upcoming events along with stories of interest about owning classic cars.
You are required to be a member of the national organization in order to join a regional club. The national VCCA offers access to Chevrolet enthusiasts all across the country along with a free subscription to the award-winning magazine titled "Generator & Distributor" along with access to "Technical Advisors" who are experts in every type of Chevrolet ever made.
For more information about the VCCA national organization please visit
~ Free State Region Membership dues: $20.00/year
~ National Club Membership: $35/year On Line
$50/year Printed & On Line
2024-26 Board of Directors:
Back Row L to R: Franklin Gage, Director / Nick Prevas, Executive Board / Gary Wilmer, Executive Board / Bill Scott, Treasurer & Membership / Stew Chandler, Historian & Executive Board / Sara Perkins, Editor & Web Manager / Michelle Miller, Secretary / Jack Anderson, Assistant Director / Phil Hack, Executive Board
Not Pictured: Kristie Gittere, Executive Board